Live Stream
Sundays @ 10:30am & 6pm
For best results, don’t start the Livestream more than 5 minutes before the service start time.

Religions and Cults: Seventh Day Adventist. Pastor Crockett. 5/2/24. WED

Maybe Tomorrow. Bro Deane Mclennan. 2/2/2025. PM

Christian Merchandise. Pastor David Duffy 2/2/2025. AM

The Gift of The Apostles. Pastor David Duffy. 29.01.2025. PM

3 Blessings of Christian Giving. Pastor David Duffy. 26.01.2025. PM

Lords and Lepers. Pastor Mitch Crockett 26.01.2025 AM

Sunday Evening Service 19.01.2025

The Spread of False Doctrine. Pastor David Duffy. 19/1/25. AM

Yesterday's Majesty. Wednesday Night.15/01/2025. PM

Sunday Night Youth Service. 12/01/2025. PM

Substitution is Everywhere. Pastor Crockett. 12/01/2025 AM

The Victorious Giver of Spiritual Gifts. Pastor David Duffy. 8/1/25 WED

Washing Feet With A Heavy Heart. Pastor Crockett. 5/01/2025 AM

Sunday Night Service. Living Real Life. Bro. Dave Young. 5/01/2025

Sunday Night Service. Pastor Mani. 29/12/2024